welome to xl soft fruit solutions

We have worked with soft fruit growers now for over 25 years. We have listened to what you want, made countless samples and trials, and by analysing your current requirements and products we have developed a new type of film which exceeds the strength and lifetime qualities of every other film on the market.
We don't have a one-type suits all policy; we know that the same film is not suitable for early, mid-season and late crops, because their requirements are all different. Over the past 25 years we have developed, in conjunction with Growers, Universities and Research Stations tunnel covers with characteristics which meet the criteria required for soft fruit growing in the UK and Northern Europe.
We don't have a one-type suits all policy; we know that the same film is not suitable for early, mid-season and late crops, because their requirements are all different. Over the past 25 years we have developed, in conjunction with Growers, Universities and Research Stations tunnel covers with characteristics which meet the criteria required for soft fruit growing in the UK and Northern Europe.

We have the widest range of soft fruit covers available in Europe.
Subject to a minimum tonnage we can make any width of film you require up to 14m wide. We can make any length of roll up to 1100 Kgs. and we also have the facility to supply you with cut to length rolls, for each tunnel eliminating waste and reducing cost. All films are available with anti-drip if so required.
With all of our films, there is a full data sheet available. If you can get one from your current supplier, you can then make a judgement as to the excellent quality of our films (click here to see Data Sheets Explained).
We keep a fair amount of stock for smaller orders. Larger orders we try to get delivered direct to you so that we can keep transport costs down. We have made over 30 different widths in the past year so can't keep every size in stock but do endeavour to carry the most common sizes.
Our margin on DuraLight is very small and goes up and down according to the price of the raw materials. For our best, up to date prices please call us on 07976 668833.
Along with the special covers we have a range of innovative soft fruit tunnel accessories.
To discuss your specific requirements, please contact us.
Subject to a minimum tonnage we can make any width of film you require up to 14m wide. We can make any length of roll up to 1100 Kgs. and we also have the facility to supply you with cut to length rolls, for each tunnel eliminating waste and reducing cost. All films are available with anti-drip if so required.
With all of our films, there is a full data sheet available. If you can get one from your current supplier, you can then make a judgement as to the excellent quality of our films (click here to see Data Sheets Explained).
We keep a fair amount of stock for smaller orders. Larger orders we try to get delivered direct to you so that we can keep transport costs down. We have made over 30 different widths in the past year so can't keep every size in stock but do endeavour to carry the most common sizes.
Our margin on DuraLight is very small and goes up and down according to the price of the raw materials. For our best, up to date prices please call us on 07976 668833.
Along with the special covers we have a range of innovative soft fruit tunnel accessories.
To discuss your specific requirements, please contact us.